Joinery NZ is the first company to offer a full "warrant of fitness" for your aluminium joinery and hardware

Our Services

Joinery NZ provides a large range of aluminium joinery services, from repairs, replacements, retro fitting, custom fabrication, installs to servicing and maintainance. Maintaining your joinery from new is crutial! Coastal living is detromental to aluminium joinery if not serviced regulary. We recommend at least 3 monthly full servicing on any beach front dwelling.

Our Clients

"No matter the building, whether it is a large shopping complex, industrial building, school, motel, hotel, apartment, home or bach, we have it all covered."

About Us

Joinery NZ is the first company to offer a full “warrant of fitness” for your aluminium joinery and hardware. The warrant of fitness is a detailed inspection of your joinery and hardware. We check the quality, functionality and for any wear and tear. Once the inspection is complete we provide a detailed report on our findings for each building. A summarized list highlights any work which may need to be undertaken. Joinery NZ’s experienced technicians can undertake any repairs and provide solutions to help extend the life of your joinery. A 6 or 12 monthly servicing plan will help maintain the integrity, giving a longer life to your joinery. Our proactive approach, experienced, problem solving team allows our customers to be assured they are in the best hands.


Joinery NZ’s servicing plan is a must. Preventing fast oxodisation involves cleaning build up of salt, sand and grit from bifold doors, sliding doors and windows. Cleaning window stays, handles and lock bodies. Lubricating restrictor stays, door latches, bifold rods all adds longevity to your joinery and hardware. Aligning sliding doors, bifolds, entry doors to latch better helps preserve the life of the hardware.


Hard to open/close or flying open?


Whether old or new, your aluminium windows WILL need servicing. All windows use a type of hinged window stay, this stay secures the window (sash) to the window frame. There are typically two types of stays:

These open sideways (left or right) like a door. Casement stays over time drop, causing the window to scrape, making it difficult to close. This can cause damage to your window (sash), marking, distorting or breaking the sash.

These open straight out and are the most common style used on aluminium windows. Over a period of time these can either become very stiff, making it hard to open and close the window. Another common fault is the stay becomes too loose, which does’nt allow the window to hold its position. This means if you open the window a little bit, it will swing right out. This can become very dangerous as the window can snap the stay, causing the window to fall out of the frame.


Our team can test the stay and see whether the stay can be lubricated to free it up, or simply replace the stay. It is essential that regular checks are done on your windows to make sure the hardware is in good working order. Our experienced team can undertake a full inspection and advise what would be the best action to take.


Broken, loose or corroded?


There are many types of window handles produced for aluminium joinery. The most common handles which break are called wedgless handles. These are window handles with a little built in flap which closes over the lip of your window frame allowing the window to seal tight. These can catch on the window frame causing them to bend or snap.

Another common issue is corrosion. If the window is left slightly open, over the months moisture builds up around the handle causing corrosion to set in. This slowly eats away at the handle, creating white spots which makes the aluminium brittle, in turn causing it to snap when closing the window.

There are two ways a window handle is fitted to a window, the first is called face fixed. This simply means the window handle is screwed in from the front, or “face.” The other fitting is called sub fixed. This means the window handle is screwed in from the base, or underneath of the hadle. Sup fixed window handles are used on older style aluminium joinery.


With a vast selection of window handles available, our team can replace existing handles, suggest a better option for your older window handles or even coat the handles in a water repellant spray.

If your window handle style is obsolete, we can provide expert advise on replacement options. It is essential that regular checks are done on your window handles to make sure the hardware is in good working order. Our experienced team can provide this service on a regular basis.


Scraping, hard to close or lock?


We can help you

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